G.M. Mittnacht Eagle Safe Merchant Token
Merchant Token NY630BA-2a. G.M. Mittnacht Eagle Safe. It has a nice rim cud on the reverse at K6. ex Steve Hayden 7/24/10.
OH 400E-2a
Geo March Dealer Dry Goods 1864
Merchant Token OH 400E-2a George March Dealer Dry Goods 1864 R-4. Hillsboro Ohio. 4/15/12
1860 NY65
1860 Merchant Token NY65
Merchant Token NY65. Issed in 1858, 1859, 1860 and 1861 using 5 different addresses. This is made of lead with some remnant of the copper plating remaining. The weight is 174 grains. It was made by Samuel H Black and electroplater from NY. This token reads "Friend & Black Electrotypers" on the obverse and "Medals, Cards & C. to Order" on the reverse. It looks like a real large cent. The address is listed center reverse as 25 Howard St N.Y. His business disappears from NY directories after 1861. I bought this on eBay 12/20/09.
1863 CWT
1863 CWT
This Civil War token has a partial collar strike leaving a lot of extra medal around the rim. It also has a internal cud at the 3 in the date. ex Ryan Brooks 4/4/09.
1838 HT81
This HT token has been hard for me to aquire. It is collected as a slave token. I have been looking for while but I wasnt willing to spend $200 for a nicer one. This one is very sweet save for some reverse scrs or tooling above and below the date....otherwise the color and surfaces are choice. ex JOhn Foreman 10/17/09 I removed it from a NCS AU Details Slab.
1837 HT335
1837 HT335 Low141
This HT token resembles a US large cent which is why I added it to my collection. It has choice color and surfaces except for a couple of light scratches to the left of the date. ex Dick Grinolds 2/13/09
Broas Bros
Broas Brothers Pie Baker CWT Store Card
The store card has heavy die clashing and cracks. The coin has some corrosion. The Broas brothers didnt seem
to know when to retire a die. The dies also appear to have been quite rusty.
Broas Bros
Broas Brothers Pie Baker CWT Store Card 3 obv cuds...clashed dies
The store card has heavy die clashing and 3 obverve cuds as seen. The Broas brothers didnt seem
to know when to retire a die.
Our Navy
CWT Our Navy
CWT Our Navy. Heavy obverse die crack. The reverse is rotated 120"CW.
CWT New York City
This CWT shows that it was issued by New York City even though New York City did not officially issue
CWT's. Nice example with many die cracks and lots of luster.
No Date Theo. Bollenhagen & Co
NY71-E Theo Bollenhagen & Co.
A nice looking store card from N.Y. Theo Bollenhagen & Co. Toy & Fancy Goods. It also has a cool cud at K6-K7.
The tokens were made in Germany and issued in playing cards. ex Tim Howard 12/5/07